The dogged belief that poinsettias and pets cannot exist in the holiday home because they're poisonous and potentially fatal to four-footed family members is nothing but a well-entrenched myth, so says the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. A recent article on their website reports that this myth has been "doggedly" per-PET-uated since the death of a U.S. Army officer's child was erroneously attributed to ingestion of a poinsettia leaf in the early part of the 20th century.
According to the ASPCA, "poinsettia ingestions typically produce only mild to moderate gastrointestinal tract irritation, which may include drooling, vomiting and/or diarrhea." Therefore, keeping a poinsettia out of paw's reach to avoid potential stomach upset is a good idea. However, pet owners no longer need to fear adorning the home with these staples of the holiday season for fear of fatal exposure to Fido or Fluffy.
With fact now separated from fiction, remember to tie a big red bow around Fido's neck too! Tis' the season! .. for all creatures big and small. Family gatherings, poinsettias, pets all coexisting safely and hopefully peacefully .. what could be more purr-fect?
From Marva Bliss Lanier, Smith County Master Gardener
Texas Cooperative Extension
1 comment:
Good to know that at last the Myth has been proven false and baseless.
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